Refund policy

Return policy

We want you to be absolutely satisfied with your purchase from, however we do understand that sometimes unexpected situations occur.

We are here to help!

Damaged product

Once you have received your delivery, please inspect the product(s) within 21 days from delivery and inform us if anything is missing or has been damaged in transit. We kindly ask you to document the damages of the product and package, preferably in the presence of the carrier, so we can fairly process your recompense. Depending on the product and your preference we will refund part of the value of your order or send you a replacement for the part that arrived damaged. The original box for the product needs to be saved to be able to claim the product.

Undamaged product

Within 21 days from the date of delivery you may resign from your purchase and return your order without giving any reason. NUKI will refund the value of the order within 21 days of the date the order was canceled. The customer is responsible for shipping charges associated with returning a non-damaged item.

Order cancelation

It’s okay to change your mind! You can always cancel your order before it has been shipped and you will receive 100% of your funds back. Just let us know at


All refunds will be processed within 14 days from accepting your submission.

Detailed information about your right of withdrawal

Client who is a Consumer or Client bearing consumer rights, may withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of delivery. First he should contact in writing to the address of the Store or electronically at the e-mail address to make a statement of withdrawal from the contract and then return the Goods to the Store. If you with to make a declaration of withdrawal please contact our support team at The deadline is deemed to have been met if a statement of withdrawal is sent in writing to the address of the Store or electronically to the e-mail address, no later than on the last day of the 14-day period. After receipt of a notice of withdrawal in electronic form at the above e-mail address, the Store shall immediately confirm receipt by sending information to the e-mail address of the withdrawing party. A notice of withdrawal filed after the aforementioned period shall have no legal effect.

Goods should be returned in an unchanged and complete state, without traces of use, unless the change was necessary within the limits of ordinary use, i.e. the Consumer or Client bearing consumer rights should proceed with the Goods, taking into account the need for its possible subsequent return. He bears responsibility for any diminution in the value of the item resulting from using it in a manner beyond that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item. If the returned goods are incomplete or bear traces of use going beyond normal management of the item, the Store reserves the right to refuse to accept the shipment or to reduce the amount returned by the equivalent of the value of the damaged goods, at the Store's discretion.

The right of the Consumer or Client bearing consumer rights to withdraw from the contract shall not be entitled if the subject of the Order, among others, is a thing:

  • non-refabricated, manufactured to the Client's specification or used to meet his individualized needs;
  • which after delivery, due to its nature, are inseparably connected with other things.

Returned Goods should be returned within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract together with a statement of withdrawal to the address of the Store's warehouse, after contacting support team at A Consumer or Client bearing consumer rights shall bear only direct costs of returning the product to the Store (return costs).

In the case of withdrawal from the contract, all payments made by him, including delivery costs, will be transferred to the Consumer or Client bearing consumer rights immediately, but no later than 14 days from the date of receipt by the Store of the statement of withdrawal.

Reimbursement of payments made by credit card or electronic transfer shall be made to the bank account from which the payment was made, unless the Client expressly makes before the return of other instructions for reimbursement that do not generate additional costs for him (eg in the statement of withdrawal).

Store may withhold the return of payments received from the Client until the item is received back from the Client or the Client provides proof of its return, whichever event occurs first.

Please contact our customer team for more info on how to proceed at

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